ご使用上の注意 Cautions for use


アイロンプリントシートは、この度ご購入いただきました、TO&FRO の製品にのみご使用ください。(他製品に使用した場合、つかなかったり、貼ったものに不具合が発生したりすることがございます)






Please use the heat transfer sticker only on the TO&FRO products. When used on other products, it may not stick or may cause problems with the applied product.


Please avoid washing immediately after application. Do not soak the product in bleach. The sticker is sensitive to high temperatures, so please do not use a dryer and dry naturally. When ironing, please use a cloth to avoid direct contact with the iron.


If the product is stored for a long period of time without being used, adhesive strength may decrease or discoloration may occur depending on the storage conditions.